Educational Support
In case you need help or support, there are multiple options that can be addressed.
Study adviser
For information on your rights and obligations, studying under special circumstances, financial matters, support during studying and the facilities you might be entitled to, you can contact the study adviser. The study adviser can help you find the proper institution for most other problems as well. For an overview of the study advisers, you can look on this website. You will also find the contact info on that website for the following people:
- Career counsellor
- Confidential Adviser
- Diversity Coordinator
- E-Coach
- PhD Counsellor
- Student Counsellor
- Student Psychologist
- Study Adviser
The current study adviser of Electrical Engineering are:
D.W. Boere (Daphne), MSc
Study Adviser BSc & preM Electrical Engineering
0031 53 489 3288
Zilverling 1008
E.T. Wassink - Kamp (Ellen), MSc
Study adviser BSc & MSc Electrical Engineering
0031 53 489 6556
Commissioner of Educational Affairs
For educational-related problems, you can contact the commissioner of educational affairs. He can pass on your problems to the correct institution or address the issue himself. If you are in doubt on your rights and/or obligations you can also contact the commissioner of educational affairs.
The current commissioner of Educational Affairs of E.T.S.V. Scintilla is Jop:
Jop ten Wolde
Commissioner of Educational Affairs
92nd Board of E.T.S.V. Scintilla
0031 53 489 2810
Zilverling E-204
Programme Director
Questions about the Electrical Engineering program (both Bachelor’s and Master’s degree) can also be directed to the programme director.
The current program director of Electrical Engineering is Cora Salm:
dr. ir. C. Salm
Programme director Electrical Engineering
Carré 2611